Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Guru-Chela Relationship

An example that can be analyzed by using the P-space representation is the case of a guru and chela, or teacher and student. If the chela incorporates the ideal that he or she is attempting to teach, the basic drive toward conformity will cause the chela to move toward the guru's position in P-space.

If the guru is not perfect, so that he or she can describe the ideal but does not incorporate it, the attraction between the guru and chela is split away from the tendency of the chela to incorporate the ideal. Furthurmore, there is a force on the guru that would cause him or her to move towards the chela's position (e.g., become childish). 

If, often for reason of economics, the guru tries to work with several gurus at the same time; the net effect on the group of chelas will be reduced because they are mutually conformist which provides an inertial effect. In addition, the effect on the guru is multiflied by the number of chelas.

The guru can protect him or herself from becoming childish by using a stratification ideology (e.g., that the chelas are part of an inferior species) but this barrier works both ways and the force moving the chelas toward the ideal is reduced significantly.

To the extent that the guru doesn't understand this phenomenon the teaching will be ineffective and the guru won't understand how to improve.

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